Hæfileikabúðir BLÍ og U19 æfingahelgi að Varmá

Um komandi helgi fer fram árlegur viðburður hjá Blaksambandinu þegar hæfileikabúðir sambandsins fara fram að Varmá í Mosfellsbæ.

Samhliða hæfileikabúðunum æfir einnig U19 karla- og kvennalandslið Íslands um helgina. Íþróttamiðstöðin að Varmá mun því vera þétt setin af ungum og efnilegum blökurum en að Varmá eru í heildina 9 blakvellir og auðvelt að hólfaskipta hæfileikabúðunum og landsliðsæfingunum samkvæmt núverandi sóttvarnarreglum.

Hér að neðan er hægt að sjá dagskrá helgarinnar en Burkhard Disch, afreksstjóri BLÍ, hefur yfirumsjón með hæfileikabúðunum og landsliðsæfingunum.


Borja (Coach Camp + U 19 f)
Burkhard (Coach Camp)
Massimo (Coach Camp + U 19 m)
Emil (Coach Camp + U 19 f)
Tamaz (Coach Camp +  U 19 m)
Hafsteinn (Coach Camp)
Kristjan (Coach Camp)
Egill (Coach Camp)
Sladjana (Coach Camp)
Elsa (Physio + Coach Camp)

Camp prinicipels:

  • Tryout Friday evening for the 90 camp players
  • Split of U 19 teams – they train seperately upstairs
  • Stationary training on 6 courts. Court coaches are responsible for the stations. Group coach act as an assistant coach. The content will be discussed every evening in the coach meetings (for example):
  • Station 1: Setting
  • Station 2: Underhand pass
  • Station 3: Smash and approach
  • Station 4: Serve
  • Station 5: Defence
  • Station 6: Koordination drills / Volleyball challenges


Friday, 13.08.2021 
15.00 – 16.30CoachmeetingBuilt up the courtsRoom outside
16.30 – 17.00Arrival of participants CampVarma
17.00 -17.30Checkin, Introduction, players profile form, camp shirt, picture of group and individual.Hall downstairs
17.30 – 19.30Tryouts – Building 6 Level Groups with 15 playersHall downstairs
19.30End Camp Group 
19.15 – 21.15Training U 19 boys and girlsHall upstairs
21.30End U 19 groups 
21.30-23.30Coaches Meeting / Planing sessionRoom outside
  Saturday, 14.08.2021 
08.15Arrival Camp GroupVarma
08.30-08.45WarmupHall downstairs
08.45-9.30Session 1Hall downstairs
09.30-10.30Session 2Hall downstairs
10.30-10.45Fresh up breakOutside
10.30-12.30Training U 19 boys and girlsHall upstairs
10.45-11.30Physical practise 1Hall downstairs
12.00Lunch Camp Group 
13.00Lunch U 19 boys and girls 
13.30-13.45Warm upHall downstairs
13.45-14.30Session 3Hall downstairs
14.30-15.15Session 4Hall downstairs
14.45 – 16.45Training U 19 boys and girlsHall upstairs
15.30End Camp Group Training – Departure or SwimmingHall downstairs
15.30 – 16.30Possibilty to go to Swimming PoolPool
16.30Departure Swimming 
17.00End U 19 groupsHall upstairs
17.00-20.00Coach Meeting / Planing session 2Room outside
Sunday 15.08.2021 
08.00Arrival Camp GroupVarma
08.15-08.30WarmupHall downstairs
08.30-9.15Session 5Hall downstairs
09.15-10.15Session 6Hall downstairs
10.15-10.30Fresh up breakOutside
10.00-12.00Training U 19 boys and girlsHall upstairs
10.30-11.15Physical practise 2Hall downstairs
11.30Lunch Camp Group 
12.30Lunch U 19 boys and girls 
13.00-13.15Warm upHall downstairs
13.15-14.00Session 7Hall downstairs
14.00 – 15.45Training U 19 boys and girlsHall upstairs
14.00– 14.45Session 8Hall downstairs
14.45 – 15.45Possibilty to go to Swimming PoolPool
15.00End Camp Group Training  – Departure or SwimmingHall downstairs
16.00Departure Swimming 
16.00End U 19 groupsHall upstairs
17.00-18.30Coach Meeting / Ending session 3Room outside